The following table summarizes the available FTP printing session commands.
User commands for HP Jetdirect FTP server
<Username> specifies a user. Any user is accepted and can print to the selected port.
Select a port number for printing. (On HP Jetdirect embedded print servers, only port1 is available.)
Change to the root directory / of the HP Jetdirect FTP server.
Terminate the FTP session with the printer server.
Display the contents of the current directory. If entered in the root directory, a list of available printing ports is displayed.
Display the current directory or the current HP Jetdirect printing port.
File name (<Filename>) to send to the selected HP Jetdirect print server port (Port 1).
Configure an FTP binary (image) file transfer.
Configure an FTP ASCII file transfer. HP Jetdirect print servers support only non-print format control for character transfers (standard values for spacing and margins are used).
Abort the FTP service command and any transfer of data. The data connection is closed.
Display a list of FTP system commands supported by the print server. (Use rhelp on UNIX, or remotehelp on Windows 2000/Server 2003.) These are not user commands. User-accessible commands depend on the client’s FTP system.
HP Jetdirect Print Servers Commands