LPD Queues

LPD Queues

Use the LPD Queues page to specify LPD print queues on the HP Jetdirect print server. For more information on LPD printing and print queues, see LPD printing.

You must enable LPD printing on the print server before you can set LPD queues. If LPD is disabled, go to the Misc. Settings tab and enable it.

If LPD printing is enabled, ten different named print queues are available. Four of these queues are configured automatically and their parameters cannot be changed. You can configure the remaining six queues.

HP Jetdirect Print Servers note LPD Queues NOTE:

Value-based print servers do not support user-defined LPD queues.

You can set up the six modifiable queues with character strings, such as job control commands, that are automatically added before or after the print job. You can define up to eight named strings, setting each queue so that the named string either precedes (Prepend String Name) or follows (Append String Name) the print data.

To set up a user-defined print queue, first define string names to prepend or append to the print job using the appropriate queue type. You specify print queue use by setting up an LPD printer that uses that queue. For example, if you set up a string “a” with a value of “abc” and string “z” with a value of “xyz”, you can define print queue “az_queue” with a prepend string of “a”, and append string of “z”, and a queue type of RAW. When you send a print job consisting of <formatted_text> through queue az_queue, the job sent to the printer is “abc<formatted_text>xyz”.

HP Jetdirect Print Servers caution LPD Queues CAUTION:

Avoid using lowercase and uppercase characters to differentiate queue names. Management of LPD queues by other tools (such as Telnet) can yield unpredictable results.

LPD Queue Parameters for setting up LPD queues are described in LPD Queues tab settings.

LPD Queues tab settings
Queue Name
Queue name. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Define up to six queues.
Prepend String Name
Enter the prepend string name. (These precede the print data.) You define string names/values using the String Table at the bottom of the page.
You can concatenate multiple string names using a plus (+) character. For example, to prepend two separate strings, enter the following:
In the example, stringname1 and stringname2 are specified as two separate string names with different values.
Append String Name
Enter the append string name. (These follow the print data.) You define string names/values by using the String Table at the bottom of the LPD Queues page.
You can concatenate multiple string names using a plus (+) character. For example, to append two separate strings, enter the following:
In the example, stringname1 and stringname2 are specified as two separate string names with different values.
Queue Type
Processing instruction for the queue. Choose from these four queue types:

RAW No processing. Treats the data in a raw queue as a print job that is already formatted in PCL, PostScript, or HP-GL/2, and sends it to the printer without modification. (Prepend or Append strings are added to the job in the appropriate position.)

TEXT Carriage return added. Treats data in text queues as unformatted or ASCII text, and adds a carriage return to each line before sending it to the printer.

AUTO (Automatic) Uses auto-sensing to determine whether the print data is sent as raw or text.

BINPS (Binary PostScript) Instructs the PostScript interpreter to interpret the print job as Binary PostScript data.
Default Queue Name
Queue name to use if the queue specified for a print job is unknown. By default, this is AUTO.
String Name
Name of a character string to use in the prepend/append queue table. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters. You can define up to eight character strings for use in LPD queues.
Define the value for the associated string name used in the prepend/append queue table. This value is sent to the printer before or after the print data (as appropriate).
Character values can be in the extended ASCII range of 0 to 255 (hex 00 to FF). You can specify a non-printing character using its hexadecimal value by entering a backslash () followed by two hexadecimal characters. For example, to enter the escape character (hex 1B), type “1B”. If your string includes the back slash character itself, specify it as “5C”. Enter up to 240 characters in this field. The characters in the field are checked for hexadecimal values, converted if necessary, and stored internally. The maximum number of characters stored internally in the string is 80; any characters that exceed this are discarded.

Instructions for setting up an LPD printer are different for different operating systems. See LPD printing for details.

Example To reset an LPD printer at the start of each print job, you can create a print queue named clear_printer that issues a PCL reset command (Escape-E) at the beginning of each job.

First, set up the print queue:

Name the string: Type reset_string into the String Name field in row 1.
Define the string’s value: Type “1BE” (Escape-E) into the Value field in row 1. (Alternatively, you could type “1B45”.)
Name the queue: Type clear_printer into the Queue Name field in row 5.
Set up the prepend string: Type reset_string into the Prepend String field in row 5.
Leave the Append String field in row 5 blank.
Set the queue type: Set the Queue Type field in row 5 to RAW.

Then, set up the printer to use the queue, making sure to specify clear_printer when asked for a queue name. (For details about setting up the printer, see LPD printing.) After that, any print jobs sent to the printer either from the server or from a client computer that has set up that printer, includes a reset command at the beginning of the job.

HP Jetdirect Print Servers LPD Queues