IPv6 section

IPv6 section

The following table includes items displayed under the IPv6 section of the configuration page.

IPv6 Section
Current TCP/IPv6 status.
READY Print server is awaiting data.
DISABLED Manually disabled.
INITIALIZING Searching for the BOOTP server, or trying to get the configuration file through TFTP. Additional status message might be displayed.
An error code and message is displayed if the print server is not ready. For more information, see Error messages.
IPv6 link local address configured on the print server.
Not Configured Address is not set.
IPv6 stateless addresses configured on the print server.
Not Configured Address is not set.
IPv6 stateful address configured by a DHCPv6 server.
Not Configured Address is not set.
IPv6 address manually configured on the print server, using the printer control panel or the embedded Web server.
Not Configured Address is not set.
HP Jetdirect Print Servers IPv6 section