Default IP on wireless and wired print servers

Default IP on wireless and wired print servers

Wired and wireless print servers can have different default IP configuration results:

When turned on, a print server in a factory default state that is connected to a network through a cable (wired), retrieves its IP settings by systematically using BOOTP, DHCP, and RARP. If configuration fails, a default IP address is assigned.

A wired/wireless print server in a factory default state that is not connected by a cable initially has only a wireless ad hoc connection available. Retrieval of IP settings from a network is limited to a few seconds, during which a single BOOTP request is transmitted, and broadcast packets are sensed. Because a response from a BOOTP server on an ad hoc network is unlikely, and the number of broadcast packets sensed are minimal, a default IP configuration using link-local addressing is likely.

The IP configuration can change when the wireless print server is connected to a DHCP network because, sending DHCP requests is enabled by default even after a link-local address is assigned.

Configuration tools that require a specific default IP address on the print server for initial communication might not work without modification. For the default IP address settings actually configured on the print server, see the HP Jetdirect configuration page.

HP Jetdirect Print Servers Default IP on wireless and wired print servers